The Laboratory of Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology (LBBE) is a research unit in Ecology, Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Molecular Biology, headquartered in Villeurbanne, Rhône.
Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage
The National Office of Hunting and Wildlife ( ONCFS ) is a public administrative institution (EPA) responsible for the knowledge of wildlife and its habitats through studies and research, hunting and the environment, technical support to policy makers, planners and managers of rural areas and the organization and issuance of hunting permits.
The University Claude Bernard Lyon1 is a science and technologies university covering all fields of sciences
Polecat is a fast-growing technology company that uses big data analytics to provide risk intelligence to customers in the healthcare, energy and finance sectors. Based in the UK and US, the choice of Polecat as a company name was inspired by the bravery, tenacity and audacity of its wild counterpart.